August 2010
Blatz Bottle Bass Popper
W.J. Jamison Co.
Chicago, IL
Wow, it has been hot and humid this month in Minnesota!!

And, what fish do many people wish to catch on those hot and humid days?  Why, the bottle bass of course!

Many people think the phrase "bottle bass" is a fairly new term, but it is not.  In fact, in the mid-1940s the Jamison Co. sold three wooden "bottle bass" lures...Blatz Beer, Miller High Life and Lone Star Beer.

While these lures are considered "novelty" and were mainly used as humor amongst fishing buddies...I see how they could actually work.  The line tie is on the bottom of the bottle and could create a nice "popping" effect on top of the water. 

Lures like this "Bottle Bass Popper" are great conversation pieces and still get a chuckle...even after over 60 years.  Hmmmm, I wonder what my dad would say if I put one of these on my line when we go bass fishing this fall??

Now the question is, do bass ever get thirsty?