November 2010
Fetch-It Co
Hayden Lake, ID
This last summer, I had to say “Goodbye” to my “buddy” Drake.

Drake was a black lab / husky cross.  He was a large and “in charge” dog and loved to swim, hunt, and play in the snow.  He was a very loyal and smart pet, but after 11 ½ years his time with us came to an end.

While duck hunting this year, I really missed my buddy.  Not only did I miss sitting with him by the lake, but I missed his help retrieving ducks.

So, the lure of the month is an item that is cast with a fishing pole and does have a “hook”, but is it a lure?

The concept of the lure is simple.  Cast it over your fallen duck, and reel the floating wood lure to the duck.  The weight of the hook allows it to be at the bottom of the lure and this allows you to “catch” your duck by the neck and all you have to do is reel it in.

Pretty simple idea and I suspect it would work on areas where you have clear access to the shore.  But, I would think this would be something you could make fairly easy yourself.