March 2013
Rod Rest
Dayton Bait Co
Dayton 9, OH
1950s or early 1960s

Every once in a while, I feature a fishing device other than a lure for the “Lure Of The Month”. 

Have you ever been fishing and your arms are getting tired from holding that fishing pole.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have your own personal rod holder that followed you wherever you moved in the boat?

Introducing the Rod Rest, the greatest fishing accessory ever invented!

Well, I could go on and on, but you get the point.  Most of you reading this are saying to yourself “Really?”  A few of you (and very few of you) may also be thinking “What a great idea.  I can make one out of a rope and a can cooler” (aka a coosie).

And, who is this Jerry Dayton guy who picture is drawn on the box.  "Handiest thing I have", he says.  

I remember when I found this device at an auction sale quite a few years ago, and I couldn’t stop laughing.  Why, I don’t know.  Maybe it is because I had a plan for it.  Yea, you got it…I was going to use it around my friends.

A few weeks later, I took it along on a fishing trip with some buddies.  I popped this out of my tackle box, and put it on.  I acted all serious as I rested my fishing pole in the device, without saying a word.  No one said anything, but they all looked.  One guy could not stop smiling at me, and he finally had to break the silence.

“What the @&#% is that?”

“Oh, this?  This is my Rod Rest.  Pretty handy, huh?”  I didn’t even crack a smile and acted all serious even though some people laughed.  I then went back to fishing.

“What the…?  Are you for real?”       (There was a long pause)       “If you don’t take that off, I am going to throw you overboard.”

Some people just don’t get it   : )

Well, the Rod Rest now rests in my “gadget” collection.  I don’t use it anymore, as I can now use my big belly as a place to rest my fishing pole, drink, tackle box and bait.  Man, the times sure have changed….